
GIC Brasil is present for the first time at “Góndola 2022”

GIC Brasil11/03/2023

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GIC, with its CEO on the opening panel, is taking part for the first time in the most important trade fair for the detail trade in Colombia: GÓNDOLA, which will be held in Cartagena from October 26 to 28. The company of Brazilian origin, with operations in several Latin American countries, will present part of its portfolio of innovations, with 3 of its main products: The RUB system, for automated management of physical stores; the GONDOLEYE system, for capturing and recognizing images to manage the presence of products on shelves; and the MESK system, which allows digital orders to be integrated via different marketplaces and e-commerce. IRINEU FERNANDES INAUGURARÁ LA AGENDA ACADÉMICA DE LA FERIA GONDOLA Entrepreneur Irineu Fernandes, president of GIC Brasil, was born in São Roque, a city in the State of São Paulo – Brazil. He began his work activity early on, and his dream of working at IBM led him to focus on technology and link up with the main companies in the sector. For fifty years he dedicated himself to consulting on innovation issues for industrial, financial and retail companies; until, in the 1990s, he founded GIC Brasil; a company focused on developing technologies to optimize processes in the mass consumption sector. Today, with a presence in Brazil, Colombia, Panama and Angola, it is a leader in the automation segment for the operation of physical and e-Commerce stores. Irineu Fernandez, in his keynote lecture “Los rumbos del retail”, will present a vision of the sector’s challenges in Latin America; he will explore in his talk how technology and innovation at the service of retail have become critical success factors, and how the future of commerce has changed since covid-19. In his view, the world will never be the same; some of humanity’s behaviors have changed radically, and in particular for retail, which has to get used to this new dynamic, speeding up its processes, being more assertive in its services and constantly and increasingly innovating in its operations. His conference will be held on October 26 as the opening of the fair’s academic agenda, which will feature 20 national and international guests talking about retail, trends, technology and industries.

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