The market leader's choice

RVB, everything you need for the management and profitability of your store in one place

Manage the operations of your store in real-time. It is possible to identify and control price inconsistencies, stock-outs, incoming and outgoing merchandise, reduce losses, and make data-driven decisions, all from a single platform.

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RVB, the revolution for your retail

Improve operational efficiency by automating tasks

Eliminate errors arising from manual procedures. Automate your operations and ensure agile, reliable processes. With RVB, your team gains enhanced agility and precision in the execution of tasks.

Increase sales and optimize product displays

RVB enables you to proactively create tasks, quickly correcting missing items, labels, display plan compliance and other inconsistencies that jeopardize your stores' profitability.

Reduce losses and increase profitability

RVB increases your store's profitability by reducing losses. Our advanced technology optimizes stock control, preventing waste and promoting sustainable practices.

Increase in sales revenue by up to


Reduction of stock-outs by up to


Reduction of label divergences by up to


Increased productivity by up to


Centralize information in a single system

Manage the entire supply chain of your store from a single platform, thereby enhancing staff productivity and enhancing the profitability of your enterprise. With RVB, you will have more control and efficiency from the entry of goods to the check-out. In addition to precise indicators that help you make assertive decisions, providing even greater efficiency and profitability.

Learn more about how RVB has been improving the operations and profitability of the largest wholesale and supermarket chains

Learn more about RVB success cases

Optimize your processes and evolve your business

With RVB, you can guarantee efficient management by monitoring the adherence of indicators to your business goals in real time. With accurate and reliable data, you will be able to identify opportunities for continuous process improvement and act quickly to ensure your store's operational efficiency, quality of service, and customer satisfaction.