Automation and knowledge are key to the success of the retail sector. Autonomous stores, robotics, customer experience, atacarejos and neighborhood stores are the five main trends identified by GIC Brasil’s market studies. Pursuing goals in this scenario requires a concentrated effort from the management of retail chains, hand in hand with their employees, with a common goal: to offer products that are in demand, provide quality service and, with this, profitability.
Retail chains are increasingly focused on increasing profitability by identifying and solving specific problems, using technology to increase operational efficiency. Anyone who runs retail stores or online operations knows that this is not a straightforward path and that it is often necessary to have a technology partner to help identify opportunities for improvement.
Finding this type of supplier on the market is not easy. Some companies go from the relationship with the customer to the moment they deliver their product or service. Automation is a proven technology that can help reduce operational inefficiencies and increase sales volume, along with setting targets, controls and an action plan. This is where the weight and efficiency of dedicated partners comes in.
This is the case with GIC Brasil, which in addition to co-creating a work plan with the client, carries out the implementation and follows up with the client over time, exchanging and encouraging new developments. What’s more, the innovation and technology company offers webinars aimed at sharing experience and knowledge, called GIC Amplia Masterclass.
This is because corporate education is key to preparing retailers for the new challenges. It is essential that retailers understand their customers’ needs, identify the challenges they face and offer solutions to reverse the trend of operational losses. Research by the Brazilian Association of Supermarkets (ABRAS) shows that attention to the operational loss indicator can reverse losses into opportunities for efficiency gains.
Accurate data for decision-making, sharing experiences and exchanging information raises the bar in terms of understanding trends and the ability to execute. In this scenario, management automation makes all the difference. Come and see what GIC Brasil has been doing to transform the retail experience, visit our website and get in touch.